Welcome to my blog...

I am a single Mom with 5 great kids, 1 son-in-law, 2 grandkids, 2 cats, 2 jobs, a home, a garden and a yard. I love to sew, quilt, scrapbook, cook, or anything creative. 25 years ago I never thought I would have to work this hard, be this busy or have to be this strong but somehow I am making it all work. Thanks for visiting my life through my blog.

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Monday, November 8, 2010


This is not Kolby's Halloween get up he was in a play at the Jr. High Thursday night hes on the left, he had a good time with it, I almost walked out without taking any pictures they were in the reception line afterwards and I remembered.

She looks a little to grown up in this costume, she really got into it!!

I love Halloween!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Regan Turns 8!!

Regan has a special day she turned 8 last month so this month she was baptized by her brother Ethan, it was a special time and lots of family came to help her celebrate, Regan is a special girl she is beautiful, sweet and fun!

Grandma and Grandpa Johnson

Regan and her brother Ethan.

What a girl!!

First day of school 2010

You can tell this one is in Jr. High this year Kolby is a 9th grader this year, yes equipped with the attitude and everything.

This one is my sweet angel after 3 boys, I deserve one that is nicer, and her sister is 22 and married now so I need her to stick up for me at home, Regan is a big 2nd grader this year.

This one is my middle schooler this year Kade is in the 6th grade, his eyes squint shut when he smiles, I wonder where he gets that from.

Canning Season

Nothing smells better than homemade bread, since I have been home more I have been baking all our bread, I am sure I have gained weight since I started doing this, my favorite thing is to cut a big slice and put real butter on it and eat it!! Are you hungry yet!

My Pantry Pictures!!

I started putting all my sacked and boxed items in these 2 Quart Kerr Jars I inherited most of them from my Mom I dont care to can to much in them but love them for my pantry items, it keeps things fresh and bug free as well as it looks great and you can see exactly what it is and how much is left.

Stewed Tomatos

I love to can stuff from my garden.

Tomatos ripening.

Dried apples in jars, fun way to get kids to eat.

Apples on the drier.

Peel, slice, and core all at once.

Apricot Pineapple Jam.


Banana Peppers

Pickeled Beets above.

Applesauce my boys eat a whole jar at a time.

Apples from my in laws trees.

Making applesauce.

I went crazy this year, no wonder I have'nt posted anything for a few months, I canned Huckle berry Raspberry jam, Apricot Pineapple Jam, Applesauce, Apple Pie Filling, Applesauce, Lots of Dried Apples dipped in Jello and some in Cinnamon and Sugar Yummmm!! Peaches, Pears, Tomatos, Pickled Beets, Pickled Bannana Peppers, Sweet relish, Apple Juice, Green Tomato Salsa, I think thats all used every thing in my garden this year, all thats left are a few red potatos I need to dig up, heres a few pics of all my business, and I also cleaned out and organized my Pantry!